Hearts of Gold [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
881 posts
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
Hearts of Gold [M]
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 10:57:43 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar

He dreams a dream of fire. Walking across the ashes of a poisoned land, sword in hand, he fights monsters draped in malevolent magenta. This lone swordsman is self-taught, but none can deny he makes for a fine teacher. His blade cuts worthless things. His blade cuts things more valuable than gold. A sword wielded in loyal service to another cannot afford to discriminate. They call him a demon, so ruthless is he.[break][break]
All he has ever been, all he will ever be, is a guardian beast. The thought makes the tattoo seared into his flesh burn all the brighter before he is forced back into the world of the living. A mingled mix of Kanto and Hoenn Rockets bang on his door, desperate to rouse their black dog. When he opens the door, he looks up at them with the fierceness of a dreamer forgotten by his dream.[break]
Someone’s causing trouble, and the other beasts have yet to arrive. It falls upon him to kill the troublemaker and keep the peace. She’s no secret of where she is, or so they say. With a few mumbled words, he closes the door, grabs his sword and his pokeballs, and makes himself ready. Inoue Hitoshi has no desire to play the part of a black dog. All he wants is to return to his dreams, wake up in the morning, and swing his sword.[break]
He's upon this interloper within twenty minutes. Grunts surround the building, their Pokemon out. No one, not even the League’s Top Champion, could beat these odds.[break]
Come on out.” Hitoshi barks in a shrill voice, mannish but possessed of a small dog’s yip. “We’ve gotc—”[break]
A glimpse of a face. A memory from long, long ago in fractured days when he was not yet a stray plays across his mindscape.[break]
…Granny?” It fits her now than it did back then.

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December 13
Ecruteak City
Kimono Girl
11 posts
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TAG WITH @yotsukura
Yotsukura Yotsugami
Hearts of Gold [M]
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 11:26:32 GMT
Yotsukura Yotsugami Avatar

--How could someone so small be such a problem?

The woman sits cross-legged in the entranceway, eyes closed as if lost in some distant dream. Perhaps it's something like the inferno the hound saw. Perhaps it's something different, or something worse. That's okay. It's only natural for dogs to fear fire. It's the one foe a loyal beast cannot protect his master from-- it can only cringe away from the heat, or crumble to ash alongside them. 

There's a plate of mochi and a cup of cooling tea in front of her, and a cigarette in her hand. Strawberry, mango and blueberry. They do come up with some curious things out here in Hoenn, don't they? They're bland and plasticky, like most mochi that isn't made by hand, but they still remind her of home, just a little, and nostalgia is a easy foe to let past your guard.

--more immediately relevant to anyone looking to challenge her are the Pokémon. A Dragonair curls around her body like poison ivy, choking out all else that might think to touch her, slick scales still shimmering with the remnants of draconic energy freshly channeled. She thinks of when she first met him. She sat just like this, in the the somber shrine nestled in the depths of that dismal cave, and spoke with the elders long into the night. How did they judge her? It doesn't matter to her. All that matters is that Dragonair accepted her. She has no need of anything else.

A Typhlosion of unusual character stands beside her, the flames escaping her back a sickly shade of purple, as if polluted by the ephemeral animus that gives shape to ghost Pokémon. The scorchmarks and patches of necrotized matter that surround the entrance suggest that her affliction does not particular impede her battling capabilities.

And finally, a Eevee, sleeping peacefully atop her knees, her trainer's free hand idly stroking through the creature's fur. She dreams of gentler things, of blue skies and happy memories. She knows nothing of fire, and for that Yotsukura Yotsugami is quietly thankful.

--Oh? A dog is barking.

"Hm. I don't think you've the right to call me that, whelp. Are you anyone of any note, or must I send a few more dead-enders packing?"

Her voice is soft and measured but clear, like the ringing of some distant bell. Whatever he recognizes in her is not something she recognizes in him.



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